Coal mine methane (CMM) projects are an important source of offsets and there are a number of GHG accounting standards for a variety of offset programs. This course provides guidance to help you navigate these programs, as well as comprehensive and detailed technical instruction on accounting for GHG reductions, project emissions, and displacement at CMM projects:
Understand coal mining as it relates to CMM emissions
Recognize methods of CMM extraction and opportunities for methane mitigation
Identify end-use options for CMM and methods for calculating resulting GHG emission reductions and project emissions using various methodologies
Document and report CMM emission reductions as prescribed by different methodologies
Utilize effective monitoring and record keeping procedures at a CMM project, facilitating verification and production of fungible offset credits
There are a wide variety of GHG programs that include CMM projects as emission reductions and thus provide some guidance on CMM GHG accounting. For instance:
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Guidelines for National GHG Inventories by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects
Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX)
Greenhouse Gas Services (GHGS)
The Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS)
California Climate Action Registry (CCAR)
The CMM-related guidance provided in these programs ranges in terms of purpose, scope, and specificity. This course draws on all of these resources and provides comprehensive guidance specifically on how to account for and document GHG reductions, project emissions, and emission reductions as a result of displacement of more carbon-intensive energy sources.The course includes quizzes and exercises to help you learn to apply key lessons. A Certificate of Proficiency is available and requires the passing of an exam for an additional fee.
Key concepts covered include:
GHG standards and programs
CMM GHG project accounting using CDM, GHGS, and other methodologies
Defining a CMM project
Establishing the baseline scenario and selecting relevant GHGs
Quantifying emissions and removals
Monitoring, documenting and reporting
Who should take this course: Anyone with an interest in understanding GHG accounting for CMM projects, in particular project developers, consultants, auditors, program administrators and investors.